Psychic Ability Spell Jar
Have you ever felt a sitxh sense? Or predicted something would happen for it to only happen whether it was a day, a week or a month or even a year from when you felt it?
This jar takes that sixth sense and amplifies it, bringing to light your innate psychic powers lying dorment within you.
Infused with a personal mixture of hand blended oils, herbs and crystals. Look within to find your inner power.
The frequency infused in this particular jar was 4 and 6.5Hz
Sold as a curio and entertainment item. There is no guarantee that you will achive the exact outcome you seek.
Also, make sure you do not use this item as a replacement for medical health and mental health. Please consult a physician or therapist if you are suffering from any physical or emotional pain.
Reach out to community resources if you are in a dire situation. Have a blessed day
Have you ever felt a sitxh sense? Or predicted something would happen for it to only happen whether it was a day, a week or a month or even a year from when you felt it?
This jar takes that sixth sense and amplifies it, bringing to light your innate psychic powers lying dorment within you.
Infused with a personal mixture of hand blended oils, herbs and crystals. Look within to find your inner power.
The frequency infused in this particular jar was 4 and 6.5Hz
Sold as a curio and entertainment item. There is no guarantee that you will achive the exact outcome you seek.
Also, make sure you do not use this item as a replacement for medical health and mental health. Please consult a physician or therapist if you are suffering from any physical or emotional pain.
Reach out to community resources if you are in a dire situation. Have a blessed day
Have you ever felt a sitxh sense? Or predicted something would happen for it to only happen whether it was a day, a week or a month or even a year from when you felt it?
This jar takes that sixth sense and amplifies it, bringing to light your innate psychic powers lying dorment within you.
Infused with a personal mixture of hand blended oils, herbs and crystals. Look within to find your inner power.
The frequency infused in this particular jar was 4 and 6.5Hz
Sold as a curio and entertainment item. There is no guarantee that you will achive the exact outcome you seek.
Also, make sure you do not use this item as a replacement for medical health and mental health. Please consult a physician or therapist if you are suffering from any physical or emotional pain.
Reach out to community resources if you are in a dire situation. Have a blessed day